How to make a sauna suit 2021

How to Make a Sauna Suit

Not only a sauna suit can help you eliminate toxins from your body through the suit, but it also helps increase the metabolism and pulse rate of the wearer. As a result, it dilates the vessels and increases circulation. In simple words, more blood is pumped to keep the organs healthy and functional.

How to Make a Sauna Suit?

Looking for ways to quickly drop some weight? A sauna suit could be an excellent choice!

Sauna suits have gained a lot of popularity recently, especially for the amazing weight loss benefits it offers. Specifically designed to help you burn more calories by trapping your own body’s heat, the sauna suit actually mimics the effects of a real sauna.

You can check out the best sauna suits for weight loss here OR you can simply make you very own sauna suit yourself.

Here’s what you need to know:

You lose weight as well as the toxins of your body by a natural process, i.e. sweating. The suit only helps you sweat more and retains the heat to elevate your temperature for better results. All in all, it has proven to be an effective way to lose weight and that too in less time.

In addition to being a little cautious about the potential risks associated with sauna suits, buying one can be a little expensive deal for some people. If you’re new to the phenomenon and still want to figure out if a sauna suit would benefit you, it is also possible to make one at home.

Here we will discuss all that the things you’ll need and all the steps to help you make a sauna suit from scratch. Let’s buckle it down!

The DIY Hack – Make Your Own Sauna Suit

Here’s all the information you need to make your own sauna suit from scratch.

Things You’ll Need

You will need the following things to get started:

  • Two plastic trash bags – 30 gallons each
  • Permanent marker
  • Sweatpants and sweatshirt made from fleece
  • Cotton undershirt and underwear

These things are readily available online.

7 Simple Steps to Making a Sauna Suit from Scratch

Follow the steps below to make a DIY cheap-version of a sauna suit:

Step 1 – Cut a hole of around 15 cm at the bottom center of a large trash bag.

Step 2 – In the other trash bag, cut two holes at the bottom corners of around 10 cm each. Cut the holes at least 3 cm above the trash bag’s base.

Step 3 – Use the first trash bag and place it flat on the floor with the opening side facing upward. Lie on top of the trash bag, adjusting your waistline around the edge of the bag’s opening. Keep your ankle around 15cm apart.

Step 4 – Use the market to trace 5cm on each side of your hips and legs and cut it out through both the layers of the bag. This extra space allows you to move freely and workout in the home-made sauna suit.

Step 5 – Tape the cutout layers of both the plastic bags together using duct tape. Leave the waist and ankle opening unsealed.

Step 6 – Wear the cotton undershirt and underwire first and put on the suit cut out from the trash bags.

Step 7 – Put on your sweatshirt and sweatpants next to keep everything in place and for enhanced insulation.

If you need a better fitting for your plastic trash bag, you can always secure it with duct tape or rubber bands.

Extra Tips

  • Feel free to ask for assistance with cutting the trash bags and taping it together. This technique will only replicate the essence of a sauna suit and may not offer the exact results of wearing a specially designed sauna suit. If you want real results, perhaps try the real thing. You can find a variety of stuff online and in different price ranges.
  • When wearing a sauna suit – the real one or one that you made yourself – always listen to your body. If you experience symptoms like fatigue, shortness of breath, headache, or dizziness, put it off right away.
  • Your body may take some time to adjust to working out with elevated body temperature. So make sure you observe it and give it some time.

Why Do You Need a Sauna Suit

Here’s some information to help you decide if you really need a sauna suit.

Let’s start with the benefits!

If you’re looking for rapid weight loss results, sauna suit is for you. While most people believe that the results are only temporary, you can actually gain lasting weight loss results if you make it a part of your fitness routine. Using a sauna suit regularly for exercise to burn more calories and to sweat more, you can also burn excess fat and increase the weight loss process. It is, however, not recommended to use sauna suits for prolonged periods as it could lead to overheating or over-sweating, which can be harmful to your health.

Sauna suits are also a great workout gear to exercise in when the weather’s cold. With a sauna suit on, you can easily retain the elevated temperature of your body and stay warm while exercising in cold weather.

Not only a sauna suit can help you eliminate toxins from your body through the suit, but it also helps increase the metabolism and pulse rate of the wearer. As a result, it dilates the vessels and increases circulation. In simple words, more blood is pumped to keep the organs healthy and functional.

Here’s a word of caution:

Pay attention to your body when you’re wearing a sauna suit. Observe how you feel and make sure that you’re comfortable enough to exercise in it. Adjust the timing of wearing the sauna suit accordingly, and never let it exceed 45 minutes in a day.

Maximize the Benefits of Sauna Suit

Now that we know the most important benefits of sauna suit, let’s see how you can maximize the benefits and gain a long-lasting weight loss results with it.

1. Set a Goal

Unless you have a realistic goal with regards to your weight loss, how are you going to achieve it?

So start with setting a goal and be specific with what you’re looking forward to. This will work as your first step to maximizing your benefits with a sauna suit.

2. Eat Right

You’re what you eat. So if you’re looking for long-term weight loss benefits, you first need to pay attention to what you’re eating. Keep your metabolism efficient to keep burning calories. Wearing a sauna suit for weight loss would only help temporarily if you’re not eating the right kind of food.

Cleanse your system with the right food choices, stay healthy, and let sauna suit do the rest of the work for you.

3. Burn it All

In addition to having a healthy diet plan in hand, you should also have an effective fitness routine to be able to burn all the excess fat and calories you consume. If you have a long term weight loss goal, having a regular fitness regimen can work wonders for you together with the right food. And sauna suit will work as the cherry on top.

Boost your weight loss results by adding a sauna suit to your fitness routine while exercising.

4. Hydrate

Never underestimate the benefits of staying hydrated for great health. Keeping yourself optimally hydrated becomes even more crucial when you’re using a sauna suit for rapid weight loss results. The extra sweating may cause you to lose body water and salt. This can have a negative impact on your health if not taken care of.

5. Get a Sauna Suit for Best Results

All of the above-mentioned steps will help you get into an effective fitness routine. But the best way to boost your results is to opt for a sauna suit and use it as your gym gear for elevated weight loss results. Keep reading to learn how you can make a sauna suit at home before getting your hands on the best sauna suits available for you.


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Are you planning to get your hands on a sauna suit or thinking of making one first? What do you think about wearing a sauna suit for great weight loss results?

Do let us know in the comments below!

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