Dating apps have made saving phone numbers complicated the verge
Dating apps have made saving phone numbers complicated
I assume a lot of people are like me in this way. Online dating has created a strange predicament where daters know a person’s first name but often little else. If they want to connect off an app, they have to get a person’s number, but then, how do they save that number? A phone book can only store so many Jeremy’s and Tom’s before it becomes an absurdist critique of the rotating door that is dating in the 21st century.Dating apps have made saving phone numbers complicated
My name wasn’t Ashley Carman anymore. It was . Yes, a guy I dated last summer saved me in his phone as a fishcake emoji. We met on Tinder and the first thing I messaged him was the fishcake. I thought it was cute or something. I don’t know — I didn’t expect it to become my identity. To be fair, I didn’t save his name in my phone until we had been hanging out for a month because I don’t save numbers unless I know a guy’s last name, or I intend to see him again. Did I mention I used a burner number when we first met?
I assume a lot of people are like me in this way. Online dating has created a strange predicament where daters know a person’s first name but often little else. If they want to connect off an app, they have to get a person’s number, but then, how do they save that number? A phone book can only store so many Jeremy’s and Tom’s before it becomes an absurdist critique of the rotating door that is dating in the 21st century.
Most relationships don’t last long enough to warrant saving a full name, but it’d be weird to find yourself in a serious relationship with someone whose last name is still a mystery. It’s entirely possible that you might never know someone’s full name, unless you’ve mastered internet sleuthing — or at least reverse image searching.
So with all this in my mind during a lonely subway commute, I decided to poll my friends and colleagues on how they save numbers.
There are five main methods: