What s the best sauna for a garage see the comparison chart.
What’s the Best Sauna for a Garage? See the Comparison Chart…
Do you want to install a sauna in your home to benefit from heat therapy – without having to leave your house? It may be easier than you think. In fact, some kits take less than 1 hour to put together. Then, you simply plug them into a standard wall outlet. (Keep in mind that infrared saunas typically run on 120V, whereas traditional saunas run on 24V.)What’s the Best Sauna for a Garage? See the Comparison Chart…
Can you put a sauna in a garage? Yes, you can! What’s the best type for a garage? We compare
traditional dry & infrared saunas, medical saunas and more. Plus, find easy DIY kits that you can install yourself.Garage Saunas
Easy DIY Sauna Kit
48″ Wide
47.5″ Deep
74.8″ TallWet Dry Sauna with Steam
66″ Wide
66″ Deep
75″ TallFull Spectrum
Medical Sauna48″ Wide
42″ Deep
77″ TallHeatwave Radiant
Low EMF Sauna49″ Wide
39″ Deep
75″ TallDynamic Barcelona
Home Sauna Kit39″ Wide
36″ Deep
73″ TallEasy-to-Assemble & Affordable Sauna Kits for Your Home:
Do you want to install a sauna in your home to benefit from heat therapy – without having to leave your house? It may be easier than you think. In fact, some kits take less than 1 hour to put together. Then, you simply plug them into a standard wall outlet. (Keep in mind that infrared saunas typically run on 120V, whereas traditional saunas run on 24V.)
On top of that, they can be just as simple to dis-assemble and move. Therefore, you can take them from one location to another. For example, if you change apartments or want to re-locate your sauna from the garage to a bathroom or a basement.
Although some home sauna kits cost more than others, they can save you money on a DIY installation. In addition, many infrared saunas don’t cost a lot of money to operate. Therefore, you can actually pay less than you would to join a gym or spa and pay a monthly membership fee.
Note: All of the kits on this chart are designed for indoor use only. so, you don’t want to set them up outside in your backyard. Many saunas are made with hemlock wood, which is great for dry heat, but not so much for outdoor weather.
Infrared VS Traditional Saunas:
Infrared saunas offer several advantages over regular saunas because they don’t get as hot. As a result, they generally cost less to heat, they don’t require special wiring and are cheaper and easier to install.
Even though they don’t get as hot as dry saunas, you can achieve the same health benefits. For people who prefer sitting in a 140 degree room versus 180 degrees, this makes your decision easier as far as what type of sauna to choose.
On the other hand, some people like the extra heat of a Finnish sauna. Plus, you can add steam by spritzing water over the heated lava rocks.
Either style works well for performing hot yoga poses, assuming that the floor area allows enough space. Full Spectrum Medical Saunas are designed with yoga enthusiasts in mind, because you can remove the interior bench to open the floor for exercises.
Источник - https://www.garagesauna.com/best-sauna-for-garage/