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St. Petersburg Prostitutes ★★☆☆★

She was all lovely and kind, her services excellent, full and most importantly delivered with pleasure. She was adorable, friendly and professional at the same time which is the perfect combination to get the full experience

Hassan, UAE, Dubai 10.12.2023 06:15 Message for Irina Russia, Moscow

You gave me a great sex today. You're very nice. thank you for not being insincere until the time we agreed. You have given me an experience that I like the most and that I have not experienced before, I have never seen such behavior in a girl before, and I can officially say that you have added pleasure to my pleasure + realy girlfriend experience + fantastic BJ.

Marko, Italy 02.12.2023 16:42 Message for Svetlana Russia, Moscow

I want to recommend wonderful Svetlana.
Finally an expeienced woman who delivered everything without making it feel like a chore.
She was so wild and entertaining that a whole 2 hours with her just flew by incredibly fast and I would book this gorgeous courtesan once more

Mohammad, Iran 09.12.2023 21:41 Need to relax and want good sex near DME Airport KUNALSING RAJPUT, India 02.12.2023 20:39 Message for Anna Happy Endings Russia, Moscow

I knock on the door and a doll opens up to me with a smile up to her ears and a very positive aura.I think this girl is a sex lover, there is no feeling that she is an escort, I saw her for an hour. We finished 1 time with oral, which makes it perfect., the second time Obviously she likes the GFE and her performance was unique. We made real love with deep breaths on her part that lifted me off. Very tender and giving.