Janet divi meet and childhood friend visits part 9

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Divi jabbed me again and then she pulled herself up to my head and whispered in my ear. “There’s a naked woman standing in the doorway to the bathroom.” My immediate thought was, ‘Sure there is.’Divi nudged me again and I thought, ‘Fuck. Is it Brie? It couldn’t be Ashley. Divi knew her.‘ I opened my eyes and lifted my head and looked. I dropped my head back on my pillow and muttered, “Fuck.” It was Janet. I lifted my head again to see if Mom was there too. She wasn’t.Janet walked in and lifted the covers and pushed herself in beside me forcing me to move toward Divi. Divi said, “What the fuck? Who are you?”Before Janet could say anything, I introduced Janet to Divi and vice versa by names only. I didn’t elaborate on Janet’s connection to me. I let Divi think Janet was just some other woman that I met around the lake. God knows there had been a few.Janet examined Divi leaning on my shoulder looking down at her with a disapproving glare. She turned her attention from Divi to me and said, “Wow Jack. She’s beautiful. Is she old enough?” The sparks flew as Divi came up on her knees and glared down at Janet.Not knowing my relationship with Janet, she unwittingly said, “Who is this old broad? Is she your mother? Grandmother maybe?” I just groaned. The cat-fight was on.Janet came up on her elbow to achieve a more equal height with Divi. Janet was about to go to battle stations and I sat up to block her view of Divi. I said, “Janet. Leave it alone.” Janet’s eyes were ablaze and I repeated my command, “Leave it alone. Why are you here?” as if I didn’t know. “Where is, ummm, your partner in crime.”Janet laughed and said, “Seriously. Do you mean Mo…?” I cut her off in mid-sentence with a finger to her lips and a glare that would melt granite. She rephrased her question, “Do you mean mmmy sister.” I grinned at her and she grinned back.Ashley’s work-friends on a Sunset cruise – Part 7“Ummm. She’s back at the camp. We’re going home today. We had a great time with Cousin Rita and Frank. Mo… ummm, my sister wanted to come this morning but then she didn’t and then she did. I gave up on her and came alone. I know you get up early and I wanted to get here before you were up and out.” She glanced toward the dull gray windows and groaned, “Fuck, it’s early. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten up this early.”When Divi heard Janet say ‘Rita and Frank’, she tried to get a word in and finally said, “You know Rita and Frank?”Janet looked past me to Divi and then back at me and said, “Oh Jack. You didn’t. You took Miss India here to one of Rita’s parties? Wow, Frank must have been in heaven.” I glanced away from her. I was embarrassed to admit that I had.I said, “Unwittingly. We thought it was just a house party. I was kind of baby-sitting.” I knew, as soon as I said it, that I’d made a big mistake.Divi threw a fit about the baby-sitting comment and Janet started laughing and commented that ‘baby-sitting’ was about right.I couldn’t win, so I got up on my hands and knees and climbed across Janet to the floor. Janet commented on my limp dick, “Wow Jack. I’ve never seen your junk so… so ‘unusable’.” I ignored her comment and went to the bathroom and closed the door leaving Janet and Divi to duke it out. It started out quite loud as they yelled at each other. Divi was giving as much as she got. I sat there on the toilet smiling to myself. Then things quieted down significantly. Then I heard moans and groans and I knew immediately that they weren’t arguing any longer.I fought off my curiosity and went to the kitchen and turned on the coffee machine and popped in a pod. In less than a minute, I was sipping on a hot cup of coffee. I sat down on the loveseat in the living room and listened to Divi and Janet groan nearly constantly. I was familiar with the groans of each of them and I was also familiar with their orgasms and I listened as they each had two. My cock responded and I was sitting there, naked, with a hard-on of all hard-ons sipping coffee. I slowly stroked my erection and after a while the bedroom became quiet.Ashley’s yoga sessions get steamier – Part 1553votesStory RatingRelated PostsNo related posts.Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18Pages ( 1 of 18 ): 123 ...18Next »Categories Exhibitionist & Voyeur Tags exhibitionism, Exhibitionist, exhibitionist-indian-sex-stories, httpswww-sex4stories-comtagindian-exhibitionist-stories, indian-exhibishionism-stories, indian-exhibition-xxx-story, indian-exhibitionism-stories, indian-exhibitionist-stories, indian-girls-flashing-in-public-sex-stories, indian-sex-story-exhibition, nude-desi-girls-nude-exhibition-stories, Voyeur, VoyeurismSheetal: A true confessionJack realizes he’s falling in love with Donna – Part 10 SubscribeNotify ofnew follow-up commentsnew replies to my commentsLabelName*EmailLabelName*Email0 Comments Inline FeedbacksView all commentsLoad More Comments